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Service provider as defined by Section 5 DDG [German Digital Services Act]

SAERTEX multicom GmbH


SAERTEX multiCom GmbH

Brochterbecker Damm 52

48369 Saerbeck



P.O. box address:

SAERTEX multiCom GmbH

Postfach 1121

48367 Saerbeck




Telephone: +49 2574 902-400

Fax: +49 2574 902-409



Represented by

its Managing Partner
Bruno Lammers

its Managing Director
Kai Diecks 

Commercial Register

AG Steinfurt, HRB 5574

Value-added tax identification number

VAT ID no.: DE 812047171

Person responsible for the content of contributions as per Section 18 MStV

Kai Diecks


SAERTEX multiCom GmbH

Brochterbecker Damm 52

48369 Saerbeck


Realisation & screen design:

deltacityNET Gesellschaft für multimediale Kommunikation mbH & Co. KG
Am Biederlackturm 2
48282 Emsdetten

E-Mail: info@deltacity.NET

Information content

The information on these websites may be altered, removed or added to without prior notice.


The information has been put together with due care. No warranty for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in the website is given.

SAERTEX multicom GmbH hereby expressly disassociates itself with all content of the website addresses linked to on this home page and does not adopt such content as its own. The content shall not give rise to any responsibility of SAERTEX multicom GmbH for the data or information provided there. SAERTEX multicom GmbH shall not, therefore, be liable for unlawful, incorrect or incomplete content or for loss caused by use of content behind the link.


The content (texts and images) of these websites that has been created by SAERTEX multiCom GmbH and its employees is protected under copyright law. Any use of any content of these websites contrary to the provisions of the Urheberrechtsgesetz (German Copyright Act) shall be prohibited without the express consent of SAERTEX multiCom GmbH, in particular any further use of such content, for example any publication or reproduction of such content and any form of commercial use, or any passing-on of such content to third parties, also in part or in revised form.


In case the user is a consumer (not a business owner), the possibility of out-of-court dispute resolution is pointed out in accordance with Art. 14 Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 – Online Dispute Resolution Regulation. Details relating to this can be found in the aforementioned Regulation and at: SAERTEX multiCom GmbH is neither prepared nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution procedures before a consumer arbitration body.


©SAERTEX multiCom GmbH & Co. KG – all rights reserved