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Conference Program 2024

This year's Speakers and Conference Topics

Hausmesse_Christian Scholz

Further Training for tomorrow's Specialists - A Success Factor for the Future


Christian Scholz, Head of SAERTEX multiCampus

Sustainable into the Future: A holistic, sustainable Approach


Michael Clostermann, Sustainability Manager SAERTEX multiCom

Nele Brenningmeyer, Global Head of Integrated Management System SAERTEX multiCom

Hausmesse_Michael und Nele
Hausmesse_Dr. Robert Stein

Sustainable Network Strategy: Paradigm Shift in the Asset Management of Drainage Systems


Dr.-Ing. Robert Stein, Managing Director Stein Ingenieure GmbH

Policy for sustainable Value Creation – Impetus from Federal Policy


Dr. Jan-Niclas Gesenhues, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)

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Hausmesse_Christian Koch

Detecting Damage with Artificial Intelligence: Digital Damage Assessment


Christian Koch, Founder Pallon AG

Quality Control during UV curing: More Safety and Sustainability


Dr. Alexander Chaloupka, Managing Director sensXPERT (NETZSCH Process Intelligence GmbH)

Hausmesse_Dr. Alexander Chaloupka

The Daily Agenda at a Glance