First SAERTEX-LINER® H2O in Canada
Read moreIn November 2022, SAERTEX multiCom LP, in collaboration with Lafontaine Inc. (Lévis, Québec), successfully installed SAERTEX-LINERS H2O across the Concorde Bridge (Pont de la Concorde) in the city of Montreal, Québec. The DN 425 x 4.3mm installation spanned more than 1400 meters and comprised two parallel pipes lined in 8 separate installations. Read more about this project.
Success with SAERTEX-LINER MULTI for Southern Relining
Read moreDriven to offer long-term rehabilitation solutions, Southern Relining recently undertook a relining package in Bowral NSW on behalf of Wingecarribee Shire council. Part of this package involved restoring flow to approximately 110 metres of DN150 pipe located under Corbett Gardens and continuing under a busy retail strip which included coffee shops, retail businesses and public toilets.
Water intake in the sewer system
Read moreThe average proportion of extraneous water in the sewage plant inlet of the Abwasserzweckverband Nagold (Nagold Wastewater Special-Purpose Association) is 70% and thus clearly exceeds the value of the increased extraneous water levy to the district administrator's office. But even without this regulatory pressure, the operator of the sewage plants is already highly motivated to reduce the proportion of clear water in the association's territory. Find out in this report what contribution a SAERTEX-LINER makes to minimizing extraneous water inflows.
SAERTEX-LINER® H2O receives approval in Australia and New Zealand
Read moreWe are proud to announce that our SAERTEX-LINER H2O has been successfully tested for use in contact with drinking water according to AS/NZS 4020:2018.
Our digital customer portal is online
Read moreOrder a liner online in just a few clicks and view the most important documents at a glance? That is now possible with SAERTEX multiCom.
Sustainability in trenchless pipeline rehabilitation
Read moreAre you looking for a sustainable rehabilitation option for supply or wastewater pipes?
Rehabilitation using trenchless technology is in itself more sustainable than conventional construction methods. In addition, we have set ourselves the goal of increasing our contribution to CO2 savings even further. The topic of sustainability is therefore an integral part of our corporate strategy, which is continuously driven forward by Michael Lensing as Sustainability Manager at SAERTEX multiCom.
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