Read moreBe part of this year's in-house exhibition! The 10th Saerbeck Piping Symposium will take place on September 19, 2024 in Saerbeck. Once again this year, our visitors can look forward to an extensive program covering all aspects of trenchless rehabilitation.
Rehabilitating success with SAERTEX-LINER
Read moreIn a challenging alley location, Cappagh Group successfully rehabilitated 180 meters of badly deformed pipes with the support of S1E Ltd, utilizing the SAERTEX-LINER and the Trelleborg Starlight UV system for efficient installation and curing.
An article in Wirtschaft Aktuell
Read moreAn article by SAERTEX multicom in the current issue of Wirtschaft Aktuell with Ivo Hemsing, Daniel Kollmann, Kai Diecks and Timo Münstermann.
Success with SAERTEX-LINER MULTI for Southern Relining
Read moreDriven to offer long-term rehabilitation solutions, Southern Relining recently undertook a relining package in Bowral NSW on behalf of Wingecarribee Shire council. Part of this package involved restoring flow to approximately 110 metres of DN150 pipe located under Corbett Gardens and continuing under a busy retail strip which included coffee shops, retail businesses and public toilets.
Water intake in the sewer system
Read moreThe average proportion of extraneous water in the sewage plant inlet of the Abwasserzweckverband Nagold (Nagold Wastewater Special-Purpose Association) is 70% and thus clearly exceeds the value of the increased extraneous water levy to the district administrator's office. But even without this regulatory pressure, the operator of the sewage plants is already highly motivated to reduce the proportion of clear water in the association's territory. Find out in this report what contribution a SAERTEX-LINER makes to minimizing extraneous water inflows.